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Thursday, August 5, 2010


Love-unconditional does it truly exist?
Amour-non-prejudical could it be possibly expressed?.
Feelings are only attractions towards something or somebody which can live for certain reasons and which can varnish anytime for little or no reason.
Emotions on the other hand are certain reflections of passions and affections on the mind,triggered by actions,experiencies or notions.
Men tends to act with reasons;if not trival it will be selfish.So therefore who on this third globe after the sun will react without an action?who will defend without an offense?And who will love without a condition?Mine simple postulation are of a clear mind-set it's none of a deluded sense.
Sometimes you have to search the nooks to discover the truths.
No matter your religion:irrespective of your race,notwithstanding your ideology love still remains what it is.Though through logical reasoning it has been observed that it can be expressed in diverse ways:violently,affectionately,prejudically,religionally,immorally,nationally and otherwise.Based on the situation,some women will want to love if he is a doctor,some will want to,if he is a lawyer,some will love him if he is handsome,some loves the open-teethed while some loves the hairy and light-toned skin,others will love if he is a star,many will want to if he is an actor,most will cherish him if he is a banker,while others will accept him if only he's a pastor.On the other hand he may love her if only she's pretty and intelligent,many dudes will fall in love if her father is a multi-millionaire,while others will fall in love if only she's a model.This preceding lines had been misconcepted to be mere 'choices' but love is not economics neither is it business administration,so therefore it is logically conditional.For the law of "if"factor cannot be denied as far as men is concerned there must be a reason.The truth is that do men truly have what is called "TRUE LOVE".The test of time is the acid-test for true love.How many love-relationship can withstand the test of time without compromising,for example, a couple who is flying on the wings of love when things are still flying high.Maybe during the process the husband loses his job and remains unemployed for prolong period of time.Now,will the woman's respect for the husband not disintegrate and will the love maybe not crash?Then who could be called a christian,i mean a true one not hypocrisy nor any form of emulation?I think that a true christian is simply a person who loves God Almighty above himself,who loves his neighbour as he loves himself,who loves his enemy as though he his friend and who loves the church as though his own biological family.Judging from this simple definition you can denote that if love had to be unconditional then it must have to be on the basis of being a true christian.And how many persons on earth are true christians?For all had sinned and gone short of the glory of God.So whom could be acclaimed a saint.God is the only being that can love somebody or something without attaching a string or suffix or prefix to it.Men always do things for selfish interest or purposes.No matter how they frame it the seed of hypocrisy is still planted in them.If you are a love-guru can you claim to love everything on earth with your life sincerely?If so then bring out your life to be slaughtered for the world.
Let men stop deceiving themselves saying that they love each other unconditionally.
Whatever you think just know that no other foundation can any man lay,save the the one that is already laid which is jesus christ.2 corinth 3:11 so the idea is that in men's encyclopedia there's no such thing as unconditional love,neither is there any expression as true love.Though judging from the fact that God almighty is love there exist some people that are still God's sons(ie-gods_psalm 82:6)they are the ones that can exhibit what is called true love.But still it rarely exist amongst men and only a true christian can prove the christ-like character.
This is not based on dogmatism nor idealism but it basically noted as realism.

Kenneth ugochukwu onuorah- For your freebrowsing codes and cheatclick herekeep updated and send your request and comments or call 2347036893230

Friday, May 7, 2010

'IS COINCIDENCES AN ACCIDENCE"(a question abt time and chance factors affecting mens life)

'In this existence:the negligence of chance factor had become a normal business and the coexistency of time like the blind man's eye'.But have you ever criticized this life and maybe might had found out that some lies were truth while some factuals were mere trash,again have you sometime maximized your time and counted your chances:maybe the succeeding lines will make some details fine.Considering coincidences as occurrences of accidences is it a true theory?for in the quest for survival-life had presented incidences which are worthy of experiments and some observations ready for hypothesis.Therefore talking about coincidences as life experiences which were merely born of accidences it ll"just be a discrepancy for there is a inconsistencies btw there two quantities.For instance for a kid to be born of king in the castle of peace and undeniable affluence, it is enough reason for him to become a crown-prince even without paying any prize because he is chanced.Describing human kinds-the occidents cannot disclaim themselves to be whites considering their clouds but judging the blacks the solar lights can be blamed,looking into the orients maybe their size had made them to be wise,therefore attaining greater heights will not be so tight;comparing their time they saw even before the medieval lights.Mine insinuation is that of a very strong conviction and these expositions of clear expressions-that actions dont just happen but reactions is triggered by certain motions which requires thorough meditation for an answer to be envisioned.Just think of a lad that started with the microsoft during his neo-infancy can be chanced to become bill gate before the age of eight or a man who married at his early twenties may become a grandfather at his late forties but in the fight today the rule of the hour-glass and that of chance had been deemed as jean lammarks theory of disuse which had left many people confused.But had you ever gathered this notion that some destination were as a result of a preordination so its manifestion may not pose a faction even though it may look like a fiction with time things will gradually fall into their normal position.Life experiences may teach good lessons for even though some were born with silver spoons that does not mean that they can not still become poor or because some works hard does not state that they still cant die in penury its because of the negligence of some certain factors that is very crucial but with much expression i can term the law of time and chance to be the grace of God.Even though the place of hardwork cannot be neglected and the service of responsibility not made inconspicuous.But reverence can make certain differences for even as a nonentity, obscurity can be made a vanity for eternity in your locality if you can respect the Almighty "for its not of he that wills nor of he that runs but is of God that shows mercy"(Rom.9:15)Except the lord guides a city the sentry(watchmen) guards but in vain(psalm 127:1)....its not by power...Zech 4:6

Kenneth ugochukwu onuorah- For your freebrowsing codes and cheat visit http://www.All9freebrowsingcodes.Blogspot.Com keep updated and send your request and comments or call 2347036893230

Friday, March 5, 2010


Wheresoever there is life there exist thoughts irrespective of the magnitude it possesses intelligence.Therefore questions-projectivity becomes a necessity and thoughts profundity(profound thoughts) a prove of normality.Then "ask i who is a man?For i learnt from the biblical antiquities that he's a being formed from an oral creativity emanating out of the supernaturality was bestowed with authority and immortality but he condescended to mediocrity as well as mortality due to the crafty-ability of an uppity whom abhors humility therefore was made an oddity by a downcast from the celestiality causing woe to humanity-thereby making stability a lost entity in men's daily activity the originality of instability.Though the man was a carnality he was given the power of spirituality,but it was for a feminity that calamity came into his eden vicinity but its an awful pity that adam lost his great dignity in the fine garden city. All this was as a result of his inability to recognise his supremacity for notwithstanding his nudity he was crowned with impeccability and with ineffability was he adorned even in the likeness of the supreme trinity. But due to lack of responsibilty so was deceptability and subtility his opportunity.But in totality multiplication was his predestination which causes his offsprings to be scattered all over this terrestriality all being subject to profanity,immorality,variability and iniquity an opposite of ingenuity-a realm of vanity(pls do not mind the rhythmity cos its a product of heuristic-lexicography and historic-philosophy).So therefore sequel to this reality 'i ask once again my fellow progenies who is a man that you bestows all trust on; and who is a son of man that you cast all vote on?For he is a dusty-productivity so that's why all his life activity is like the upwinding dust by a strong whirl maybe an anti-gravity facility;because he ate the forbidden fruit-so was his longevity numbered like the falling-away of every over-ripen fruit off a tree..And his mortality like the withering of every yellowing leaves off a decidous tree.And this is the cyclic through-out every generations for all men had the same geneology.So therefore due to this imperfection a man is suspectible to deception,alternation cum extinction(death)if not for atonement every man's establishment(struggles) could have ended in futility: thats why mine reiteration is without hesitation,oh! Fellow progenies do not even trust your progenitors for they are not your janitors,for we have only but one true monitor and other system programmes contains viruses and needs serious formatting,if possible a hard flashing.'FOR IF DEPENDENCE IS THE INCIDENCE THEN DISAPPOINTMENT BECOMES NO ACCIDENT AND FAILURE BECOMES THE RULE OF ENGAGEMENT' therefore change your mentality so as not to become anybody's liability which is a state of dexterity cum anxiety.But mine expositions are not idiomatic nor ego-centric neither is it dogmatic but are the words of sophia-a relation to philosophy a reference to theology;never an etymolopy to mythology for its the psychology(mind) of the sovereignty who is the almighty:the one who has the only true and perfect love for us thereby sent his only begotten son for our emancipation,edification,redemption all for his glorification.Experience the best tutor,learning the best knowledge mine emphasis is due to mine little but valuable knowledge as a result of learning and mine height of understanding cos of experience,therefore i tell you that even your best friend that dines with you not minding the intimacy can cause thine_great sorrow,can give you slow poison,can even lure you into abduction.Your father can display the role of a prejudical monarch leading you to envy,vexation of spirit creating enemity between you and your siblings,can abdicate his responsibility most times determining your future but sometimes causing your failure.Your brother can use you for money-rituals and give your cadaver a befitting burial,can ruse you of your makings(money)and even dupe you of your savings.In horrible times of faminity and high aridity,intensed drought & insufficiency your mother can eat your infancy with great savour destroying your existency and thus closing your glorious destiny.Your sister not left-out can never give her life for an atonement of your sin?Why all this?It's because we all are the progenies of a failed man-so therefore TRUST NO FATHER,NOR MOTHER,NOR YOUR SISTER,HOPE NOT NOT ON YOUR UNCLE NOR YOUR AUNTY,RELY NOT ON A FRIEND NOR ANY RELATIVE so as not to blame them when there is a disappointment for every philo(brotherly love is prone to failure but agape is divine but mine exposition is not that you should not "trust them an inch"cos some men's neuro-activity is of a very low quality and their thinking faculity filled with noisome vacuity.For this reason change became a social constant and variability a man's natural course because he was accursed.Though mine pen couldn't paint perfectly the vividness of mine minds scenery but mind you that TRUST IS NO MAN BUT ANCHORAGE IS GOD its biblical principle even the principle of a homo-sapiens variability forms the basis of evolutionary theory..The life of a man;a water cycle-a circumnavigation- a constant variable.
written by Kenneth ugochukwu onuorah- For your freebrowsing codes and cheat visit http://www.All9freebrowsingcodes.Blogspot.Com keep updated and send your request and comments or call 2347036893230