'In this existence:the negligence of chance factor had become a normal business and the coexistency of time like the blind man's eye'.But have you ever criticized this life and maybe might had found out that some lies were truth while some factuals were mere trash,again have you sometime maximized your time and counted your chances:maybe the succeeding lines will make some details fine.Considering coincidences as occurrences of accidences is it a true theory?for in the quest for survival-life had presented incidences which are worthy of experiments and some observations ready for hypothesis.Therefore talking about coincidences as life experiences which were merely born of accidences it ll"just be a discrepancy for there is a inconsistencies btw there two quantities.For instance for a kid to be born of king in the castle of peace and undeniable affluence, it is enough reason for him to become a crown-prince even without paying any prize because he is chanced.Describing human kinds-the occidents cannot disclaim themselves to be whites considering their clouds but judging the blacks the solar lights can be blamed,looking into the orients maybe their size had made them to be wise,therefore attaining greater heights will not be so tight;comparing their time they saw even before the medieval lights.Mine insinuation is that of a very strong conviction and these expositions of clear expressions-that actions dont just happen but reactions is triggered by certain motions which requires thorough meditation for an answer to be envisioned.Just think of a lad that started with the microsoft during his neo-infancy can be chanced to become bill gate before the age of eight or a man who married at his early twenties may become a grandfather at his late forties but in the fight today the rule of the hour-glass and that of chance had been deemed as jean lammarks theory of disuse which had left many people confused.But had you ever gathered this notion that some destination were as a result of a preordination so its manifestion may not pose a faction even though it may look like a fiction with time things will gradually fall into their normal position.Life experiences may teach good lessons for even though some were born with silver spoons that does not mean that they can not still become poor or because some works hard does not state that they still cant die in penury its because of the negligence of some certain factors that is very crucial but with much expression i can term the law of time and chance to be the grace of God.Even though the place of hardwork cannot be neglected and the service of responsibility not made inconspicuous.But reverence can make certain differences for even as a nonentity, obscurity can be made a vanity for eternity in your locality if you can respect the Almighty "for its not of he that wills nor of he that runs but is of God that shows mercy"(Rom.9:15)Except the lord guides a city the sentry(watchmen) guards but in vain(psalm 127:1)....its not by power...Zech 4:6
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Mankind has to deal with concepts that animals have never encountered, that
is, their mortality. That's mainly because animals ...
10 years ago